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News & Updates

An Ignatian Path to Hope: 14 Practical Guidelines Retreat

In this Jubilee Year of Hope, join us for a special retreat with Fr. Mark Yavarone, OMV Ignatian Discernment Institute An Ignatian Path to Hope: 14 Practical Guidelines All of us experience ups and downs in our daily spiritual life: times when God feels close and we...

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In Memoriam

We commemorate our deceased members of the Holy Apostles family and request that you keep them in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy...

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Fr. Wade Menezes: From Journalist to Evangelist

Rev. Wade Menezes, CPM shares how he was led to the priesthood, to the Fathers of Mercy and to his important ministry today. Fr. Wade is a summa cum laude graduate of the Holy Apostles Class of 2000, with dual Master of Arts in Theology and Master of Divinity degrees....

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Holy Apostles Honors Graduate From First Class

It was a celebratory night at the TPC River Highlands on Saturday, October 26, when alumni and friends of Holy Apostles College and Seminary gathered for a special evening to benefit the Holy Apostles Seminary Scholarship Fund. Proceeds from the event will provide...

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More: “Alum, Come to Our Assistance!”

Last month I wrote of my “mini-alumni-reunion” with Fr. Larry Lynn, class of 2015, in Coquitlam, as I made the trip north to Vancouver, B.C. in Canada from my retreat house in Oxnard, CA. There in beautiful British Columbia, Fr. Larry pastors the Catholic parish: Our...

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Friendly Soccer Match at Holy Apostles

On Monday, October 14, 2024, Holy Apostles College & Seminary had the pleasure of hosting a friendly soccer match against Saint John Seminary (Boston) at the HACS soccer field. Held on the Columbus Day holiday, the game provided a wonderful opportunity to foster...

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